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*** RMP Challenge 52 ***

Ok Raiders, it’s the last Challenge of the year and we’re going to do something a little different for this last one. In this season’s spirit of giving, you’ll have three opportunities to score points this week. It’s up to you to find up to three military, veteran-related, or war memorials this week. These cannot be ones you’ve previously scored for 2023, but can be ones that were from previous Challenge weeks that you have not scored already. Or you can research and find new ones to score. They can be at the same site but must be differently themed (e.g. a WWI, and a WWII memorial at the same park count as two memorials). The memorials cannot be military headstones or grave markers.

Also, please annotate the loaction that you get the memorials. And if you post them all three together, it wil make the scoring easier for the overworked scorer...

Challenge Time Frame: 12/24/2023 - No later than 11:59 pm, 12/31/2023 [Mon-Sun].

Point Value: 1 point per memorial.

Location: These are up to you, Raiders

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